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  • Hyunwoo Ji

10th week blog post!

When I first started the project, I didn't think it will go well. I've been thinking a lot about the project, but that created more problems. So I just started the project and I rely more on my partner during the project. When we started, it was hard to figure out where to start. However, we tried a lot to try something new rather than to be afraid. We've been working on the project for 10 weeks, and we've come to realize that it's better to try something than to be afraid. We've had a lot of problems, and there's a lot of problems now, but as soon as we think of them as experiences, we can learn more. Back to the point, we ordered stickers this week. We found a site where we could order stickers. The price was also reasonable, so we could order with the sticker design we wanted at a low price. We don't have much time left to finish the project. We need to complete the candles and sell them, so we're running out of time. That's why we're going to pay attention to the next week to get everything done and sold as quickly as possible, and don't forget that our purpose is not to make money, but to let students know what volunteer is. We are planning to sell our project at school to show it to our friends. We're going to think a little bit more about it, though it hasn't been decided yet.

Have a great weekend!

조회수 6회댓글 3개

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