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  • Hyunwoo Ji

Final blog post

Today is the last day of the blog post. We have been held over 16 weeks to finish out the project. We've learned a lot over the long haul of the project. When I first started the project, I had a lot of worries. But I'm proud to have completed the project successfully. I was thinking, what if the candles weren't sold? But that worry was useless because when I started selling candles, there was a shortage of candles. When I found out that there were not enough candles, I regretted not being able to make more candles, but I know it's greed to make more, so I'm thankful to be able to finish the project well now.

The purpose of our project was to show one of the ways to do volunteer work and to

increase the participation of friends in volunteer work. I think we did well in that role. We don't have more money left than we calculate for, but we're going to donate some of that money. We will donate some of our money to Save the Children. We can't have regular funding by the month, so we chose general sponsorship and about 50 percent of our income will be donated. In the course of this project, we learned that there is a really diverse way of doing volunteer work. I learn that making and selling things like us could also help others through donations. Thank you for your endless attention. If we have another chance, we'll be back next time.

조회수 4회댓글 1개

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